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TomTom Service, Reparatii pentru TomTom, Reparatii gps

Putem repara urmatoarele defecte ptr TomTom :

Service ptr TomTom , Service ptr TomTom , Service ptr TomTom , Service ptr TomTom , Service ptr TomTom , Service ptr TomTom ,

In particular pentru anumite modele putem repara si alte defecte care nu sunt afisate aici asa ca va rugam sa verificati pagina pentru modelul dumneavoastra sau sa folositi butonul estimare gratuita.

Despre TomTom gps

TomTom beats the drums for high-tech navigation gear. The company offers a variety of electronic navigation products that operate using global positioning system (GPS) data. Its lineup includes the TomTom GO series of portable and automotive navigation devices, some of which are designed with built-in wireless calling capability. TomTom's software packages enable navigation functions in wireless PDAs and telephones.
Products include Portable Navigation Devices (PNDs), line fitted in-dash navigation solutions and software for use on PDAs and smartphones. In 2008, TomTom navigation products are sold in over 30 countries (and over 20 languages). TomTom has offices in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.

Sat-Nav Repairs LTD gsmtools100@gmail.com


Str.Republicii , nr.2, cod postal 500030, Brasov, Romania 0734802215